You Say You Love Freedom? — You Do Not Fool Us.

G. W. Smikle
5 min readNov 15, 2020

You do not believe in democracy, you believe in power — not personal power properly disseminated for the benefit of all to exercise and enjoy its fruits. But the power to control the benefits that should flow to all.

You will rape democracy, or have it raped if necessary, to produce your illegitimate child of power. The overwhelming evidence: you stand by in silence or worse, give your support to the deliberate delegitimization of one of democracy’s most cherished manifestations - the results of free choice.

You care not for the progress democracy produces because it strips you of power to have your favored outcomes, so you are willing to undermine the voting process.

You understand not, nor care for the power of democracy. Progress to you means progress on your terms only, clearly not appreciating the laboratory of differences democracy is that strives to bring out the very best in us collectively.

What you understand and care for is having power and control over that which would provide true democracy. Your goal has always been ‘control’ through sabotage of, or control of the road to democracy, not caring that the result is anything but what democracy itself would have produced.

You indulge in control and not free choice because you fear the free choice of others could make your ideology and your ‘conscripted’ religion become totally irrelevant to true human progress.

No, you don’t damn believe in democracy!

You don’t believe in free choice.

You believe in conscripted power, not the organic power available to all through democracy.

A conscription you perpetrate through your lies, the willful catering to the very base of our character, to the fears of those too long enamored of their own sick thoughts of supremacy, to a contrived notion of a providence that has empathy only for the likes of you.

And damn others not like you who you see as unentitled to your providence, given to you by a god that you believe would never dare to consider them lovingly.

You, who so readily calls on the love and protection of ‘god’ from your pulpits, at the same time ignore the love that he must have for all. You are not seekers after redemption, you are dissidents of truth masquerading as redemptive religion.

No, you have little use for true democracy. You have little use for true freedom. You have even less use for truth.

And frankly, if true democracy is to fulfill its roll as the genesis of progress, it can have no use for what you represent — an ideology and a religious belief-system that dance to the music of cruelty and moral depravity, encouraging it to play on and play louder.

Delirious and drunk on the perceived power you think it will bestow on you even if it destroys the rest of us.

As far as democracy is concerned, you are evil.

One day democracy will finally say to you — “Please, go! I can countenance you no longer.”

Then we will all be free to be free of you and all you represent.

Progress will gladly fill the void you for too long have been comfortable with, and even fostered.

A void that has resulted in a most amoral of presidents in America’s history. You lent him your support, propped him up with your own degeneracy couched in meaningless and self-serving political speak.

A void that has perpetrated the fear, the low self-esteem and the insecurity that underlies racism. It suits your cause and false sense of providence perfectly even while the disease makes it difficult for others to strive as real democracy would have them do.

A void that has allowed the few to benefit at the expense of the majority — a majority mainly responsible for producing that which is to be benefited from.

A void that leaves unresolved questions and confusion about who we are and what we really value to the detriment of real progress.

A void that prevents us from confronting our own evils, content with the reality that the ‘others’ you so long see as undeserving have had to bear the burdens of those evils to their own detriment. And though you pretend otherwise, you could care less.

You could care less because what is required of you to make this right — care more — you seem incapable of, even as the ‘others’ have managed to convince themselves that you clearly are.

And when they use the only thing available to them — their abated freedom — to drag you into the light of your own decency, you once again turn to the darkness and portray their efforts as un-American.

If democracy must have its truest meaning, you must not be allowed to define what is ‘American.’ Truth can countenance no such definition from you.

Yes, if democracy is to survive, if it is to truly bestow its power and blessings on all of us — deserving or not — you and all you stand for have to go and be made irrelevant except to the extent you motivate the rest of us to get to a better place.

Not all of us will embrace or understand this truth, but enough of us just need to do so consistently and continually and not ever again fall for the con you managed to pull on us over the past 4 years, all the while massaging it to give yourselves more power because that is exactly what you are about — your power.

Yes Republicans and your Evangelic friends, I’m talking mainly to you. You have managed to make yourselves totally irrelevant to the progress that only true democracy can wrought.

Now go!

And don’t come back until you have cleansed yourselves.

And to those on the other side, know this: you are either on the side of true democracy and be relevant to our hopes and dreams, or you can choose to be as irrelevant as those who have only sought to make democracy be like the tool of pimps.

Then you too will have to go. It can be no other way if what was once ideals for some is to become the reality for all.

We will not be fooled into anything less.



G. W. Smikle

I write so that I can discover and be exposed to the nuances of life through context.